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Showing 25–36 of 59 results
  • Triqueta


    Bronze and copper threads with 24k gold plating. Crafted using 100% handmade filigree technique.

    Sacred symbol of Celtic origin, evoking the four elements: earth, air, water, and fire. Invites us to connect with our inner self; references death and rebirth. Also known as the TRINITY, representing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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  • Mano Hanmsa-Mirian-Fatima


    Bronze and copper threads with 24k gold plating.

    FEATURES: Crafted using 100% handmade filigree technique.

    Symbol of protection; in Christianity, it is known as the Hand of Mary.

    In Islam, the Hamsa is a protective sign. It is said to represent the Five Pillars of Islam, and Muslims often wear it as a reminder to remain faithful to their religion.
    In Judaism, it is known as the Hand of Miriam and is seen as a symbol of strength and protection.
    In Hinduism and Buddhism, each finger of the Hamsa hand represents a specific chakra. Therefore, it is seen as a symbol of the flow of energy in the body.
    This amulet is specifically worn to protect against the evil eye.

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  • Cruz de filigrana


    Bronze and copper threads with 24k gold plating. Crafted using 100% handmade filigree technique.

    Symbol of protection and faith that we use with devotion, without haste, and fully aware of the significance it represents for us.

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  • Panderos con filigrana pequeños


    Bronze and copper threads with 24k gold plating. Crafted using 100% handmade filigree technique.

    A continuation of sacred geometry’s graphics in its circles and movement.

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  • Corazones en filigrana


    Bronze and copper threads with 24k gold plating. Crafted using 100% handmade filigree technique.

    Hearts in delicate filigree threads, representing love and passion.

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  • Triangulo Aire


    Bronze with 24k gold plating. Handcrafted piercing technique.

    Represents the AIR element, flow, and adaptability.

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  • Triangulo Agua


    Bronze with 24k gold plating. Handcrafted piercing technique.

    Represents the WATER element, flow, movement, and adaptability.

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  • Triangulo Fuego


    Bronze with 24k gold plating. Handcrafted piercing technique.

    Represents the FIRE element, balance, and harmony between body, mind, and spirit.

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  • Triangulo Tierra


    Bronze with 24k gold plating. Handcrafted piercing technique.

    Represents the EARTH element, stability, strength, and nature.

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  • Metatron


    Bronze with 24k gold plating. Handcrafted piercing technique.

    Symbol of balance, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things. It contains the fruit of life and the four elements within it. It connects you with the divine, manifests your intentions, promotes balance and harmony, and protects you against negative energies.

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  • Fruto de Vida


    Bronze with 24k gold plating. Handcrafted bezel technique.

    Did you know that the fruit of life is the most sacred pattern in the universe? It emerges from the flower of life and consists of thirteen circles, each representing an informational system and its representation through ideas and mental concepts necessary for the construction of forms from a Geometric/Mathematical perspective.

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  • Triquel


    Bronze with 24k gold plating. Handcrafted bezel technique.

    An ancient Celtic symbol representing eternal evolution and balance between life, death, and rebirth. It evokes the image of a wheel in full motion to convey a sense of dynamism and vitality.

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